Assalamalaikum,(may peace be upon all of you), readers! May you all have clear understanding of a fine line between Honour and Abuse: For last many days I was trying to gather courage to write on the issue I'm beginning to write and it has been a frustrating struggle to make others and even myself understand about the fine line between Honour and Abuse. Isn't it quite strange but familiar for you to read this if you had ever been either victim or the witness of such any situation whether to keep yourself benefitted or any of your close relation? Today I dedicate my write up to the barbarous incident of Qasoor, to the victim of vicious Activity of a man unknown, apparently. I feel sorry to use the word Activity but because it's the 6th recorded case of the same DNA and the concerned authorities are busy in regulating their calculators and other counting gadgets to maintain the record of successful attempts and activities of the culprit. Dear readers, it's...
Ever Justice delayed // A price is Paid // Hatred is sown // Revenge is laid //