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Security Check

Assalamalaikum. Readers! may we all believe in Almighty's powers and none else:

Dear all, in my last post regarding Justice commanded by the so called Majesties I tried to point out one of the famous and posh residential societies and I mentioned rather just hinted about another incident happened in another more so called civilized and posh society. I didn't mention the name but you know I received warnings from burger rather, I must say, burglar's class reps to avoid exposing their society's enormous deeds in social media, otherwise I would be facing Cyber courts.....!

What does that mean, to sew my lips and break the nib of my pen?  No it will never happen, at least since I have decided to do so. Any way the other society was DHA, Defense Housing Authority, which is not merely a residential society like Behria Town but it's an organization being headed by serving Army officers at senior level.

Last summer one day my friend, who lives in DHA, was coming back from office and while turning towards her street she saw an old lady sitting on the road side and pointing towrds every passerby to listen to her. My friend stopped and asked the lady whether to have a pick for a short distance. But she observed that the lady was crying and requesting to call her daughter to fetch her from that nasty place. My friend asked her introduction and the old lady told that she was a retired government teacher and came to visit her eye doctor at Fauji Foundation Hospital run by retired army people. 

She told that she was robbed in front of the same hospital's university gate just adjacent to the security picket but the robbers got hold of her and pushed her inside their car and drove away while passing through that security picket. Although, the side windows were closed but she shouted to her loudest and made gestures towards the guards but    nobody noticed and the car passed the so called SECURITY CHECK POST successfully. Then at the time they reached main MALL where the head office management sits, they stopped and purchased cold drinks for them. One boy went out and the driver and girl holding the lady remained sitting inside the car. She said she again screamed at the sight of two guards passing nearby but of no use. She was literally thrown out of the car when they reached near the bridge joining DHA with Behria Town. 

It was 2.30 pm when she was dropped and my friend picked her at The old lady, accurately saying, a teacher, had been begging to that so called High Class low mentality residents, while knocking door to door, to listen to her grief and help her to reach her daughter's place who lived nearby on Jhelum road, since she was deprived of money, her cell phone she had and gold ear rings and a set of gold bangles, too. But those civilized people didn't offer her a glass of water,even,  in such a bad hot water. And how could they trust and help her? after all it's a matter of security these days..! 

Anyway, my friend called at her daughter's number and asked her to fetch her mother. Afterwards she contacted the management to trace the culprits but their reply was shocking to her. They said since it's a police matter under criminal procedure code so they can't interfere. As far as the CCTV was concerned, it records hundreds of vehicle passing through the check post, daily. How could that car be traced unless we know the number. Hearing this the daughter and son in law, who arrived later, said that they were ready to forgive every loss as their mother was safe. Her son in law was a senior consultant of cardiology at a Government hospital for Cardiology. That was quite a respectable family, especially a teacher, herself.

My thought span stuck at one point... What is the purpose of spending a huge money on so called security arrangements??? What does a SECURITY CHECK means, and what purpose these SECURITY CHECK POSTS are for???         


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