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Light in the Dark

Assalam alaikum, readers! May you all have a vision to see the light in darkness.

Before I start writing about any thing, I want to narrate what history tells and most of you may be well aware of the fact I am going to share again. Yes that very moment when it seemed UK was about to surrender the 2nd World War as all and almost every infrastructure of the country was demolished and people were literally deprived of their homes in rages and during a briefing when it was mentioned to sir Winston Churchill, my readers would remember what was the answer. Churchill simply and humbly asked only one thing whether the courts were functioning properly and the justice was being delivered to people. And when he got affirmative answer he claimed victory in the war. It happened and the whole world observed it.

This is a Universal truth that the society that lacks or ignores justice neither can prosper nor can survive for long time. For this I say:

When  Justice  Prevails
Ever   Prosperity  hales
Over    Stormy     Tides
Life     Smoothly   sails
When  Justice  Delayed
Farewell      Is       bade
To   The   Poor's   Neck
Under Scrutiny's  Blade
When Justice is Denied
Souls    Are   Occupied
Honours  Are  Crushed
Under   Power's   Pride

Dear readers, we can't see any sanctity of  relations, in fellowship feelings, or even workmanship in the society where Justice has been abandoned or pushed back as an extra wheel. We don't find a single TRACE of moral values there, even sometimes, a human feeling.We don't, perhaps, sometimes, want to search LIGHT in the DARK 

DO WE ???


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