Assalam alaikum, readers! May you have truthful lives.
Working in the field as a journalist, performing as a public servant in office, sitting on TV screen as anchor or analyst, serving society as a social worker, training and educating people as educationist and then writing on the blogger are altogether different experiences but ,to me, serve the same purpose unanimously, which is, to build up sense of public awareness for fundamental rights against their respective duties.
When we think about any social issue any social crisis or any community problem, the first thing we talk about Human Rights. I am not concerned about other developed countries and independent societies, my focus is my own society or the likewise developing countries having dependent social systems. In our system we are being educated to talk about our Rights, to strive and then get hold of our Rights, and if it seems as if we are, unexpectedly, going to be deprived of our Rights, we must launch a protest against the usurpers.
With respect to all readers, while struggling for all this RIGHTS game nobody bothers neither we try to search the Trace of what is WRONG with this Rights issue ??? Yes a big wrong in this Rights issue is the DUTIES accrued against the RIGHTS. Since our childhood to our grown up ages the stress of our elders ,as we observe them, has always been on getting their Rights in shape of different incentives and benefits from society. Though they perform, to an extent, their duties in return but not with the same enthusiasm as for getting rather grabbing their Rights,
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